Frakishtak    Dog Wheelchairs, rehabilitation equipment, accessories and other goods for special needs pets


Special Order

This page shows the products that were developed and manufactured by us on special order.

Neck brace

Корсет (бандаж) шейный для собаки

Moderate fixation of the cervical spine and head. Unloading of the cervical vertebrae and the muscular-ligament apparatus of the neck. Normalization of the circulation of the head and neck. Limits movement in the cervical spine.

Application: atlanto-axial instability; disease and injuries of the cervical spine; damage the brain when it is necessary to support the neck.

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Hip Support

Бандаж тазобедренный для собак

Partially reduces the load and stabilizes the hip joint. Improves the coordination of the underlying muscles.

It is applied: during rehabilitation after trauma and operations, with insignificant hip joint instability, with diseases and degenerative joint changes, for dogs with mild degree of hip dysplasia and for elderly dogs with joint diseases.

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Knee Support

Бандаж коленный для животных Наколенник для собак

Moderate support of the knee. Use: with knee joint diseases, sprain, with light knee instability.

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Shoulder Support

Бандаж плечевой для собак

Moderate support of the shoulder. Application: a disease of the shoulder, light instability, chronic diseases.

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Stump protection

Защитный чехол для культи собаки

Protects the stump from damage.

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Weights Wrap

Утяжелители для животных

 Weights Wrap for dogs "Frakishtak" - are used during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This helps to quickly restore the muscle tone of the dog.
- Also Weights Wrap are used during training, making them more effective and contributing to the build-up of muscle mass of the dog.
- Weights Wrap can be worn during walks on inactive dogs with excess weight, increasing the load promotes more intense fat burning.
Cuffs with weights are attached over the hock of the hind legs and above the wrist of the forelegs. The weights are added gradually and their weight and maximum load is calculated depending on the weight of the dog.

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Frakishtak - Инвалидные коляски (тележки) для собак и др. животных-инвалидов



Viber +380 98 684 3682

+380 99 222 5754
  +380 93 080 8830


V.Lipkovskogo str, 43

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